Saturday, December 31, 2011

Her Terrain of Thoughts...

Every so often she wonders, is she the odd one the life of everyone as simple and yet as complicated as hers...a thought always wandered, was she living the life she preferred to live, or she was living a life she was expected to live...

For few life is a one time opportunity, to be exploited to the hilt...for few one time is too many, for her...she never knew...she loved it at one moment, she detested it the next...there was fun in seeing two sides of the coin..but that was a scary part too...only those who live in extreme of two emotions can understand what living in two parallel world is like...she was her best friend, and she was her worst enemy as well....

To wish for something, rather someone, and have that person, is the best present one can have...or she thought...but then stability never stayed forever, she just is a matter of chance and luck...which side you are on...the one who stays back...or the one who moves's a game one plays life matter what you are made to believe, it's a fact of life she two person can love each other, value each other in equal proportion...and you need not be lovers to fit in the equation, it holds true for all it siblings or parents or friends...there always is one giver and one taker...and in the end, it was her choice; which side she wanted to be in each case...

And choices are kind of ironical power bestowed on matter what choices you make, there would always come a time when you would regret not choosing the other option you had...she had those regrets too..but how can she forget the happiness she had felt when she had made the choices she was once again her choice, to cry over things that happened, or smile over all what she went through...for one thing she was sure, no matter how her life looked to an outsider, once she really gave an account of the real life she had lived, no one would be able to say she had lived a boring life...the only thing, she wasn't sure of, was...whether she wanted to share her life completely with someone...

Maybe she was too greedy for it....there is not much you can preserve from the can't confine someone, you can never be sure that there exists a secret between two people...for things to be secret they have to remain within you...and the only thing she could keep away from everyone was a part of was only her she can truly have the satisfaction of knowing better than anyone else...or maybe she wanted someone to peel layers after layers of her...she was looking for someone who would take the pain and make the effort of knowing her, treasuring her, hating her...but all the same loving her, like she did...looking, not waiting...because over the time she had realized, waiting has been highly never know it, until you take chances...

PS: Just one of those moments, when I just need to write...a 15 minute break and self indulgence...maybe the after effects of a novel read...maybe I got lost in the 'She', 'He' and 'They' I once had created and never made a headway with...just had to get these thoughts on paper...or keypad in this case :)


  1. maam just one thing i know is just enjoy lyf never feel low or down and yes whatever decisions u take just prove them and for love maam as long as u wait the better u get!!! u still rock

  2. Wasn't low...wasn't down...and it isn't about's just random fiction...and as I said, testing waters as to if I ever can write a novel ;)

  3. u can definitely write a novel be sure u got one buyer bt then u knw we ppl i mean aam junta(mango ppl :P) so make it simple

  4. I am sure.. Everybody, at somepoint of time in one's life will relate to the content..!! Good Read...
